General Meeting

The monthly General Meeting is held on the third Tuesday of the month beginning at 7:00 pm.  There are no Meetings during July or August.

During a General Meeting, we discuss and vote upon matters that affect the social and business aspects of the Branch.  This includes approving applications to join the Legion or transfer to our Branch and welcoming them to the Branch.

The General Meeting is your chance to influence what and how things happen so consider taking an hour of your time once a month to exercise your rights as a member.

Minutes of the previous General and Executive Meeting are sent by email before each Meeting so that members can refresh their memory about what business was done at the previous Meeting and be aware of what is proposed for the next Meeting.  Members are encouraged to read the Minutes of these Meetings before the Meeting begins so that the length of the Meeting can be reduced by "accepting the Minutes as distributed".  Copies of all Minutes are available in the Branch and at the Members Only section.